The prognosis after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis may first appear grim. But there are various strategies to beat breast cancer, beginning with taking the time to rest and heal as prescribed by your doctor.

There are also a few practical tips for minimizing your risks of relapse or recurrence, like maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying positive about the future.

Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

You need to first recognize the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. The most common sign of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • A change in the size or shape of the breast.
  • Nipple discharge.
  • A change in the appearance of the nipple.
  • A change in the texture of the skin on the breast.
  • Swelling or redness of the breast.
  • A change in the appearance of the armpit.

Identifying that you might have breast cancer is the initial step. You can get the support and direction you need to persevere through this trying period in your life by using the strategies for beating breast cancer that are listed below;

Set an Action Plan to Overcome Breast Cancer

An action plan helps you to stay on track to achieve a goal. By setting an action plan, you can overcome breast cancer. The three basic steps that you should do in order to overcome breast cancer are as follows:

  • You should avoid smoking. It is known that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of developing breast cancer. The chemicals in cigarettes are known to damage DNA and disrupt the normal functioning of cells, which can lead to the development of cancer.
  • You need to consume a healthy diet that includes lots of fiber and vitamin-C rich foods, such as orange juice and broccoli.
  • A mammogram is the best way to detect breast cancer ahead of time. An early detection helps in more efficient treatment options and better recoveries. Not all women are fully aware of the benefits of this screening test or if they need one in the first place. That’s why it’s important for every woman over 40 to know about mammograms and how they work. The purpose of a mammogram is to find any signs of breast cancer before it becomes malignant.

Acknowledge the Emotion

You just found out that you have breast cancer. The next few months or even years will be hard and full of uncertainty. You will have many questions and concerns revolving inside your head. 

Whether you are newly diagnosed or a survivor, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed at first. It may take some time before you find your footing again and start feeling like yourself.

Here are some approaches for acknowledging one’s emotion:

  • Identify the feeling a person is experiencing: There are signs that a person showcases when he/she is going through an uncertain phase. Some common signs include changes in the person’s facial expressions, unusual body language and difference in the tone of the person’s voice.
  • Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with being a sufferer: Allow yourself to feel the emotions by validating them. Acknowledge that what you are feeling is real and that it is okay to feel this way. Don’t try to push the emotions away or bottle them up. Let yourself feel them fully and then release them.
  • Express the feeling in a healthy way: You can go with many constructive ways to communicate one’s feelings. Some people decide to write, paint, music, or other forms of creative outlet in order to express their emotions. Others may choose to voice their feelings by talking to friends or family members. You can even do this by participating in therapy and counseling sessions. It is important to find an outlet that works best for you and that you feel comfortable with.


Did you know that acceptance is the ultimate key to overcoming any illness? It is difficult to accept one’s bad physical condition, especially if it is a chronic illness. However, it is important to remember that you are still the same person, despite your illness. 

Acceptance is something that you can do for yourself after a cancer diagnosis. Once you do, you can start to make decisions about your treatment plan and how to cope with the changes in your life.

Friends and Family

Friends and family members are often the supporting pillars in your life when everything else around you seems to go downhill. There are a lot of ways that family and friends can provide support to someone who is suffering from breast cancer. Some of these include providing emotional support, driving them to appointments or other necessary places, cooking meals and helping with household chores.

It is also important for those dealing with cancer to ask for help if they need it! It’s not easy to take care of oneself while undergoing cancer treatment. Sometimes, having someone to support you after a particularly bad day can make all the difference in the world.


Self-love is an important part of living a happy life, and it can do wonders for your mental health while you’re struggling with a chronic illness. Practicing self-care through self-love is a powerful way of taking care of yourself and making sure that you are getting all the love that you need from within.

For example, loving yourself can help you take care of your body better, leading to more positive health results. It can also make you feel happier and improve your relationship with others. This is especially helpful if you have someone close to you who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Make time for yourself. It is crucial that you look after your health because stress is a big risk factor for breast cancer. The best ways to reduce stress during your “me-time” includes writing a journal, meditation and even engaging in a hobby.

Express your Feelings with Others

It is very important to express your feelings with others in order to stay well. When you keep your feelings to yourself, it can build up and cause you unwanted stress. Talking to someone you trust can help you feel better while also giving you a fresh perspective on your situation. To talk to someone about personal feelings is not as easy as said. It takes courage and mutual trust. Here are some tips on how to express your feelings with others,

  • Talk to someone close to you: It is hard to deal with the knowledge that you could get breast cancer. It is okay to feel scared, sad and angry. While all these feelings are OK, they won’t do anything to help you avoid getting cancer in the first place. They might make it worse when you do have it. The best thing you can do for your mental health is talk about your feelings to someone who loves and cares about you. This will benefit you in making clear decisions.
  • Talk to your doctor: Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. They want to know if you are having any emotional difficulties during treatment, and they will have some recommendations for coping with the stress that comes with illness. It’s important not to bottle up your feelings, because doing so could lead to more serious problems down the road.
  • Talk to support groups: It can be difficult to process your feelings and heal from trauma when you feel alone. One way to find support is by talking with other survivors of breast cancer. Support groups are a safe space where you can learn about the healing process, share your experiences and connect with others who understand what you’re going through.

Fundraising for People Suffering from Breast Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer among women and that is why raising money to help fund research is so important. Let’s take a look at three reasons why fundraising campaigns are so vital for those suffering from breast cancer.

  • Funding cancer research: Cancer research is expensive. There are different types of cancer and each one needs to be researched separately. Funding cancer research can help save lives. One way you can help fund cancer research is through organizing fundraising campaigns. Hosting an event in your community is a great way to fundraise for a cause. You can ask for donations from friends, family or neighbours. 
  • Increasing awareness about breast cancer: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. The key to surviving breast cancer is through early detection and treatment. The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. Fundraising campaigns help those who have been afflicted with breast cancer by providing emotional support, transportation to medical appointments and offer free mammograms.
  • Raising money for financially unstable people: As a fundraiser, you can raise money for financially unstable people suffering from breast cancer. Werbylo is a leading online fundraising platform that allows people to raise money for others who are in need of financial support. Online fundraising is simpler to organise than offline fundraising initiatives. You can do it on your own – just create a fundraising page on a crowdfunding platform and share it on social networking pages. 

Looking to start your Online Fundraising?

Non-profit organizations are constantly working to help people suffering from breast cancer. If you want to set up an online fundraising campaign and are looking for a reliable platform that can help you raise money online. Werbylo is your answer. 

Werbylo is a cloud based fundraising and charity app that focuses on helping people. We  believe in ‘We Rise By Lifting Others’. Werbylo offers QR code that allows the fundraisers to raise money online effortlessly. Just ask the donors to scan the QR code and they will be redirected to the payment page.

Sign up now if you want to organize an online fundraising campaign to help people diagnosed with breast cancer.

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