Report says that almost 5% to 10% of people living in America have communication disorders. Did you know that it is almost costing $186 billion annually? It is also a fact that almost 7% of people in America have some language impairment problems. We are letting you know these facts because May is considered Better Speech and Hearing Awareness Month. People across Canada and the United States observe the better Speech And Hearing Month in order to raise public awareness about hearing health and communication disorders. Basically, there are four skills that one needs to acquire in order to have good communication skills. These skills are-

  • Speaking Skill
  • Writing Skill
  • Reading Skill
  • Listening Skill

So, you can understand if you do not have the good speaking skill and listening skills, you will definitely suffer from communication disorders. If you are exposed to loud noises, it can damage your hearing. Initially, it might not be noticeable but, it can lead to a serious problem over the course of time. On the other side, if we talk about speech problems, it starts with an unclear and muffled sound. The person will face difficulties to interpret sounds.

Almost 5% of the world’s population is suffering from speech and hearing problems. Living in an era where communication plays a very important role, we must highlight these communication disorders. Now, this is where Better Speech And Hearing Awareness Month comes into play. This month brings a golden opportunity to raise public awareness about the communication problems such as the inability to speak effectively and hear properly. The good thing is that there are many organizations that are working hard in order to make effective communication achievable and accessible for all.

Know The History Of Better Speech And Hearing Awareness Month

Nowadays, if you do not have proper communication skills, you will face problems getting a suitable position in society. Therefore, rectifying these issues is very important.

Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Now, if we talk about the history of Better Speech And Hearing Awareness Month, it was in 1927 when the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association started this event. They wanted to do something so that everyone across the globe can have access to effective communication. People have been observing this event for over nine decades. This month is actually making every individual think about their speech and hearing.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association And Better Speech And Hearing Awareness Month

As you all know that American Speech-Language-Hearing Association started this Better Speech And Hearing Awareness Month in 1927. Well, ASHA or American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is a kind of credentialing, scientific and professional association consisting of almost 218,000 affiliates and members. They are hearing and language scientists, speech-language pathologists and audiologists. The core vision of this organization is to make effective communication achievable as well as accessible for all.

Now, if we talk about the mission of this organization, well, they are empowering as well as supporting the audiologists, language and hearing scientists through the following:

  • Setting standards
  • Advancing science
  • Advocating for members

Speech And Language Disorders And Better Speech And Hearing Awareness Month

As we are talking about Speech And Language Disorders, It is very important to know what speech and language disorders are. Well, speech disorders basically occur when an individual is unable to produce speech properly and fluently. Language disorders refer to the situation when an individual has problems when it comes to sharing feelings, ideas and thoughts completely. Speech-language pathologists mainly assess, treat, and identify language and speech problems.

Now, if we talk about hearing disorders, it is basically determined by 3 categories.

  • Configuration of hearing loss
  • Degree of hearing loss
  • Type of hearing loss

Healthcare and audiologists professionals provide the care in the following categories

  • Prevention
  • Identification
  • Evidence-based treatment
  • Diagnosis

How To Celebrate Better Speech And Hearing Month

The Better Speech And Hearing Month is all about raising awareness regarding speech and hearing disorders. It also indicates identifying own speech and hearing disorders. Therefore, during this month, you can check whether you have any speech and hearing problems. Apart from this, parents should identify whether their children have speech and hearing disorders or not. Persons having hearing problems can visit audiologists for any kind of hearing test. On the other side, persons having speech disorders can visit speech-language pathologists.

Raising awareness about this order on social networking platforms is another great way to celebrate this month. Moreover, you can also encourage your friends and families. Apart from these, you can also do fundraising in this month in order to help people living life with these problems.

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