You might be surprised to know that every day almost 27 Canadians hear the words, ‘you have a brain tumour’. Another interesting fact about brain tumours is that they can cause both mental and physical symptoms. It can vary from person to person. Things actually depend on the stage, location and type of the tumour. Actually, we are going to talk about Brain Tumour Awareness Month which is also called Brain Cancer Awareness Month. In the United Kingdom, people observe this health event in the month of March. On the other side, people in the United States, Canada and Australia observe this event in the month of May.

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds, and diamonds are made under pressure.

Peter Marshall

It was in 2008 when Brain Tumour Awareness Month was started in the United States. People wear grey ribbons to raise public awareness regarding brain tumours and brain cancer. Some people also put on grey clothes during this event. They participate in races, fundraising walks and many more events throughout this month.

Why Is Brain Tumour Awareness Month Important?

People belonging to the brain tumour community come together in this Brain Tumour Awareness Month. They raise public awareness and put light on the people suffering from a brain tumour. These patients are mostly overlooked and therefore, it is very important that we observe Brain Tumour Awareness Month properly. Well, it is a fact that brain tumour is not as common as lung cancer or breast cancer. However, there are innovative and new ways through which patients with a brain tumour should be treated. Research says that almost 1.4 million patients across the globe are suffering from malignant brain tumours. By the end of this year, another 256,000 people will be diagnosed with this disease.

People all over the nation observe this Brain Tumour Awareness Month in the month of May. After the emergence of this COVID-19 pandemic situation, the need of understanding the impacts of cancer research, education and patient care has become more important. If you analyse the current situation, you will understand that researchers need to do a lot of works in order to discover new as well as effective drugs for the patients suffering from brain tumours. Basically, Brain Tumour Awareness Month is a kind of movement that encourages people who have a close association with cancer research, patient care and education.

Brain Tumour Foundation Of Canada

Brain Tumour Foundation Of Canada is a Canadian organization consisting of a dedicated team of health care professionals, volunteers and staff. Everyone is working to achieve the same goal. Yes, they all want to end the brain tumours. Talking about the location of the head office of this organization, well, it is located in Ontario. Brain tumours are complex and unpredictable. It can affect mobility, balance, memory, hearing and vision. Talking about the core objective of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, well, it raises funds for cancer research. Apart from this, it helps people who are suffering from devastating diseases. The organization also conducts vital programs regarding brain cancer. The organization delivers resources such as Brain Tumour Information Sheets, Brain Tumour Handbooks and many more.

How One Can Get Involved With Brain Tumour Awareness Month?

You are probably feeling powerless against such a dangerous disease. Well, it is quite obvious but, it does not mean that you cannot do anything to mitigate the impact of this deadly disease. There are a lot of things that you can do in order to make a positive impact during Brain Tumour Awareness Month. The core objective of this event is to raise awareness and you can do so with the help of online social networking platforms. There are many people who do not know about this disease until someone in his or her family is diagnosed with this disease. Therefore, you can educate people living in your personal circle and community about this disease. You can also participate in Brain Tumour Walk programs and inspire others to do so.

There are certain facts that have a close association with a brain tumour. These are as follows:

  • Research says that almost 84,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with this disease by the end of 2021.
  • In the past 30 years, there is no improvement in the survival rate of this disease.

Not A Werbylo User?

You can make this Brain Tumour Awareness Month more efficient by making a financial contribution. Yes, you can donate to a non-profit organization. Moreover, if you are a fundraiser, you can also conduct fundraising events virtually with the help of online giving platforms such as Werbylo. This fundraising platform is secure and reliable. There are many fundraising platforms that charge a monthly fee. But, you will not have such experience in the case of Werbylo. Moreover, you will not have to pay any hidden charge. Everything is transparent on this platform. Werbylo has a meaning – ‘We Rise By Lifting Others. So, why are you still waiting? Join this platform as early as possible.

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