All people need to have access to high-quality, affordable health care. Universal Health Coverage Day, observed on December 12th, serves as a reminder to reinforce global efforts to validate that people have access to health care whenever they need it. International Universal Health Coverage Day aims to create awareness amongst the people about the importance of stable and sustainable health systems and UHC.

On this day, UHC supporters raise their voices to talk about the people still in need of health services. Not only that but also the achievements made so far in developing the health systems. They also ask for leaders to contribute financially to the betterment of healthcare systems. Investing in the health systems protects us all and creates a safer and healthier future. This Universal Health Coverage Day, let’s join together to demand universal health coverage.

The history behind this day:

2012 – The United Nations passed a resolution on the global healthcare system and international policy in the hopes of speeding up progress toward universal healthcare coverage.

2015 – The United Nations sets the year 2030 as the deadline for achieving universal health coverage, which includes everyone having access to safe, effective, high-quality, and inexpensive medicines.

2017 – The third resolution from the United Nations calls for an inclusive health system focused on the most vulnerable.

The third UN resolution promotes an inclusive health system that focuses on the health of the most vulnerable.

2018 – The first theme for the Universal Health Coverage Day was “Unite for Universal Health Coverage: Now is the time for collective action”.  This was after officially establishing the day to be observed annually on December 12, 2017,

Universal Health Coverage Day is also an occasion to look back on the country’s progress so far. No two countries follow the same road since they develop their systems based on their specific cultural and economic situations regarding healthcare. However,  the UN’s target for 2030 is to achieve universal health coverage for their country and the rest of the world.

Why is Universal Health Coverage Day Important?

Healthcare for all

Diarrhea kills more than 2000 people every day, outnumbering the people affected by AIDS, measles, and malaria altogether. This proves that people worldwide are denied access to even the most essential medicines and healthcare.  Moreover, for those living in extreme poverty, sanitization is a luxury. Universal Health Coverage Day is for everyone to raise awareness about the crucial importance of access to high-quality, inexpensive healthcare worldwide.

Universal healthcare policies

All the countries are working hard to make UHC a reality since they believe it’s possible. Nonetheless, much more needs to be done. For instance, there is one doctor for every 12000 patients in Zambia. But the WHO considers one doctor for every 5,000 patients to be an acceptable ratio. UHC Day calls attention to these global challenges that need to be addressed more urgently to reach the 2030 target.

How to observe Universal Health Coverage day?

  • The 2021 theme is “Leave no one’s health behind: Invest in health systems for all”. The theme implies working on building a system protecting every individual’s health. Remember to share the theme on your social media and remind your friends and family why universal healthcare is essential.
  • Look around your neighborhood to see what healthcare initiatives are currently active and consider joining one.  Start your own campaign to raise awareness about the necessity of high-quality, affordable healthcare in your community.
  • Organize a fundraising campaign – Even the smallest contributions can bring an impact in improving the healthcare systems.

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