Giving app is mitigating the homelessness in Canada. Homelessness has become a matter of concern in Canada. According to a survey, almost 35,000 people have been experiencing homelessness in Canada. The number can be 235,000 over the course of time. The main reason is that the number of homeless people is gradually increasing. Therefore, it is very important to end homelessness in Canada. But, you cannot do this single-handedly. The non-profit organizations are trying their best to mitigate the number of homeless people in Canada. Well, providing a proper shelter can be challenging and therefore, some organizations are raising funds through a fundraising drive. With the help of this donation, they are trying to deliver the essential items to needy people. The potential donors are also coming forward to reduce the impact of this social problem. They are making donations online through donation apps for nonprofits.
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
Non-Profit Organizations Mitigating Homelessness In Canada Using Giving App
Giving app is helping the non-profit organizations. If you want to play the role of the potential donor by helping these homeless people in this critical situation, you will not have to think much. The online giving app will help you to make a donation online to charity. Considering the current time where donors are unable to visit the non-profit organization for making a donation, the money donation app is making the donation process simple for potential donors. Many organizations are receiving donations online through e-giving. However, here, we have added the names of the organizations that are helping the homeless people. If you want to donate, you must go through the following points. It might be helpful for you.

Important Aspects
- Old Brewery Mission is one of the largest non-profit organizations in Quebec, Canada. They are working for homeless women and men. This mission is almost 125 years old assisting almost 4000 people every year. However, they need financial assistance to achieve their goals. As a donor, you can help this organization. You can make an online donation through the giving app.
- Youth Without Shelter is another non-profit organization that is helping homeless youth in Canada. They are mainly focusing on the people that are between 16 and 24. This organization is providing shelter to homeless people belonging to the young generation. Homeless people belonging to the young generation are mentally disturbed. They not only need shelter but also all-round care. Therefore, this organization is also providing trauma-informed care. As a potential donor, you can donate to this organization so that they can successfully conduct their campaigns.

More Non-Profit Organizations Working To End Homelessness With The Help Of Giving App
- The Salvation Army is one of the largest non-governmental organizations. The organization has already provided assistance to more than 370 communities across the country since 1882. At present, they are providing various social services. The organization is also helping homeless people by providing them shelter. They are also providing free meals to needy people. Thus, they are ending homelessness in Canada. Well, if you want to help this organization, you can help them online using the online giving app.
- Calgary Homeless Foundation is one of the largest non-profit organizations helping homeless people in Calgary. They organize various fundraising drives to raise money for the people living their lives without shelter. This organization also helps the homeless serving-system of Calgary. As a donor, you can donate to their fundraising campaign. You can also host your own customized online crowdfunding drive. You can donate the funds to this organization.
- Lookout Housing And Health Society is another organization that is helping people with no income or low income. They are supporting the adults by providing them affordable housing options. If you are financially stable, you can help this organization as well.
Giving App Can Help In Mitigating Homelessness
Giving can help you to receive donations from the donors. Well, online crowdfunding through charity crowdfunding sites is always considered a good option. You don’t have to join any organization to raise money for homeless people. You can solve this social issue sitting at home. However, you will have to conduct an online fundraising drive. After that, you can donate the amount to the organizations working hard to make Canada free from homelessness.
Here are the examples of some people who have done something remarkable to end homelessness in Canada.
- Evan started a campaign called Homeless Across Canada. He went to Toronto from Vancouver riding a bicycle. He raised money as well as awareness and helped the Horizons for Youth. It is a charity organization that is located in Toronto. This organization helps homeless people by providing shelter and other essential things.
- Nikki who is another fundraiser organized a fundraising campaign to help the Old Brewery Mission. She has encouraged her community so that people come forward to donate to this organization.

Not A Werbylo User?
Werbylo is an online crowdfunding platform. There are many organizations using this platform to organize their fundraising drive online. The platform offers an online donation app or giving app that helps the fundraisers to raise more donations. You can also start your own by becoming a user of Werbylo.
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