World Consumer Rights Day is, no doubt, one of the most important events. It is a kind of global event and people all over this globe observe this World Consumer Rights Day in the month of March. Talking about the date, people generally observe this every year on the 15th of March. Well, people all over the globe observe this event in order to raise awareness about the needs as well as the rights of the consumers.
The celebration of World Consumer Rights Day clearly indicates that the rights of all the consumers are protected as well as respected. The social injustices and market abuses are undermining the rights of the consumers. Therefore, this particular day brings a golden opportunity and people can protest against these things on this day. Talking about consumer rights, well, it actually indicates that every consumer across the globe has the right to have proper information about the potency, purity, quantity, standard of services and goods, quantity and quality.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Bill Gates
Talking about the history of World Consumer Rights Day, it was all started in the year, 1962 with the inspiration from John F Kennedy. Well, it was on the 15th of March, 1962 when the president, Kennedy sent a very special message to US Congress. He highlighted the issue regarding consumer rights. You might be surprised to know that John F Kennedy was the first leader who actually highlighted this issue. It was in 1983 when the consumer movement marked its date for the first time. Since then, people have been observing the World Consumer Rights Day every year on the 15th of March.
Consumers International And World Consumer Rights Day
When we are talking about World Consumer Rights Day, we must cover this point. Consumers International has a very inextricable association with this international event. Talking about Consumers International, it is basically a kind of organization consisting of various consumer groups all over the globe. It was on the 1st of April, 1960 when this organization was set up. This organization has more than 250 branches in more than 120 countries. Talking about its head office, it is actually located in England. It was Elizabeth Schadee who set up Consumers International in 1960. The former name of this organization was the International Organization Of Consumers Unions. The International Organization Of Consumers Unions is also known as IOCU. One of the foremost objectives of this organization is to share knowledge and conduct cross-border campaigns.

Now, talking about World Consumer Rights Day, it is basically a kind of annual celebration that comes under the International Consumer Movement. Many organizations across the world come forward on this day and they promote the basic rights of the customers or the consumers. Those rights must be protected as well as respected. Apart from these, many organizations come forward to raise public awareness about the social injustices and market abuse undermining consumer rights. Many participants protest against these things.

Themes And Objectives Of World Consumer Rights Day
Every year, a different theme has been set for this day. If you want to know what those themes are, you are in the right spot. Here, we have added those:
Years | Theme |
2020 | The Sustainable Consumer |
2019 | Trusted Smart Products |
2018 | Making Digital Marketplaces Fairer |
2017 | Building A Digital World Consumers Can Trust |
2016 | Antibiotics Off The Menu |
2015 | Helping Consumers Choose Healthy Diets |
2014 | Fix Our Phone Rights! Consumer Justice Now |
2013 | Consumer Justice Now |
Now, if we talk about the objective of this World Consumer Rights Day, it basically seeks in order to achieve positive changes in the policies of the government. Apart from raising public awareness about consumer responsibilities and rights, many organizations work hard in order to bring positive changes in corporate behavior. It was in 1981 when Consumers International set up Health Action International. It is a kind of informal network consisting of more than 120 public and consumer interest groups.
Role Of Fundraisers
Fundraisers play a very important role in our society and they can play a more impactful role on World Consumer Rights Day. Yes, they can make this international day more efficient as well as effective. First of all, they can use social networking platforms in order to aware people of consumer responsibilities and consumer rights. Moreover, the fundraisers can conduct various offline events in order to inspire the people belonging to the local communities. Another thing that they can do is conducting fundraising activities. Yes, in this modern time, fundraisers can use many non-profit organizations through conducting online fundraising campaigns.

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