International Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Awareness Day is, no doubt, one of the most important events. It is an international event and people across the world observe this International Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Awareness Day in the month of March. If we elaborate this thing more specifically, people actually observe this event on the 5th of March. Well, cyclic vomiting syndrome is a kind of unexplained disorder. Adult and children basically suffer from this. On this awareness day, many organizations come forward to educate people about the symptoms and cure of this problem. Many non-profit organizations join this venture and they actively work on this awareness day.
To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.
William Londen
Cyclic vomiting syndrome is also known as CVS and it was in 1882 when Dr. S. Gee gave a brief description of this disorder. Well, cyclic vomiting syndrome indicates a condition where the patients suffer from prolonged and recurrent attacks of prostration, vomiting, and severe nausea. Apparently, health professionals have not yet found any proper cause. Well, in most cases, the patient having this disorder suffer from abdominal pain. Frequent vomiting is another thing that is inextricably associated with this syndrome. Well, the chapters of vomiting can last for days or hours. Apart from vomiting, the patient can suffer from paleness, intense sweating, fatigue and weakness. Along with these, there are some other signs of this cyclic vomiting syndrome. These are frequent headaches, dizziness, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain and many more.

Know More About Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Talking about the underlying cause of this cyclic vomiting syndrome, we must say that these are unknown till now. Research says that the genetic component has a very inextricable connection with this. According to medical professionals, it basically affects the brain and gut health. People having CVS suffer from various behavioral disorders such as sudden excitement, intense stress and many more. Apart from this, eating certain types of foods, menstruation, and infections are some other things that have a very close association with this disorder. Well, if there is a migraine history in your family, there will be chances of having this physical disorder.
Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
When it comes to observing the International Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Awareness Day, you must know the syndromes of CVS. Here, we have covered this particular aspect. So, do not skip this point.
Talking about the symptoms of this CVS, well, it generally starts in the morning. The common symptoms and signs are as follows:
- Frequent or recurring vomiting episodes. It can last for hours or days.
- Sweating
- Intense nausea

Apart from these, there are some other symptoms and signs. We have added them below:
- Gagging or retching
- Headache
- Becomes highly sensitive to lights
- Dizziness
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
Causes Of CVS
Well, the underlying causes are unknown till now. But, there are some possible causes. It is very essential to know those causes of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Yes, you have heard it right. Therefore, we have added the causes below:
- Motion sickness
- Menstruation
- Excessive exercise
- Physical exhaustion
- Hot weather
- Fasting and overeating. Late-night eating can also cause this disorder
- Consuming certain drinks and foods such as cheese, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and many more
- Panic attacks or anxiety- mostly seen among adults
- Over excitement or emotional stress mostly seen among children
- Sinus problems, allergies and colds.
When One Should Call A Doctor
As of now, no apparent cause of this disorder has been found. Anyway, you should know when you should call a doctor. Here, we have explained this thing. So, till now, you have understood that continued vomiting is one of the symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome. Now, excessive vomiting can cause dehydration and eventually, it can become a life-threatening event. In such a case, you must call the doctor. Apart from this, if you see blood in the vomit of your child, you must call the doctor. Along with these, if you see the following things, you should call the doctor:
- Listlessness and exhaustion
- No tears while crying
- Sunken cheeks and eyes
- Dry skin
- Less urination
- Dry mouth or excess thirst
So, if you see the above-mentioned signs, you should call the doctor.
Role of Fundraisers On International Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) Awareness Day
So, International Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Awareness Day is, no doubt, one of the important events. There are many non-profit organizations that conduct various activities on this day in order to educate people about this disorder. If you are a fundraiser, you can organize various online as well as offline events to make this day more effective. First of all, you can run an online fundraising event and donate the money to any renowned non-profit organization that is helping people suffering from CVS. Along with this, you can write posts on social media to educate people.

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