Wear Red Day is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable events. Well, Wear Red Day is not all about wearing red-colored outfits. It is inextricably associated with the health of women’s hearts. People in Canada observe this day every year in the month of February. Generally, they observe it on the 13th of February. The foremost aim and objective of this day are to raise public awareness about heart disease. Well, there is a difference between Wear Red Day and World Heart Day. People generally observe Wear Red Day for raising awareness about women’s heart health.
We’re in a situation now where weight and extreme weight and heart disease is the biggest killer in this country today.
Jamie Oliver
Know More About Wear Red Day
Wear Red Day is inextricably associated with women’s heart health. The foremost objective of this National Wear Red Day is to spread awareness about heart disease, particularly among women. We cannot deny the fact that Heart disease is closely associated with men. But, it does not mean that it is not harmful to women. Women suffer from cardiovascular disease and according to a survey, almost 500,000 women in America die every year due to stroke and heart disease.

It is the American Heart Association that is also known as AHA that launched National Wear Red Day in 2004. The foremost objective of this event is to raise awareness about heart disease. It also raises funds for various research work that aims at preventing various heart diseases.
Well, there are various facts that are inextricably associated with the National Wear Red Day. These are as follows:
- There are only 55% of women who believe that cardiovascular diseases are very dangerous for American women.
- There are only 15% of women who are concerned about their cholesterol level and blood pressure level. Most women do not know about their cholesterol level and blood pressure level.
- The Body Mass Index is inextricably associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is very important to know about your Body Mass Index. In addition to this, women must give preference to their diet.
- Most people believe that stroke only happens to aged people. Heart stroke deeply affects the arteries that are deeply linked to our brain. Well, this is not completely true. Anyone at any age can suffer from a stroke. Even, infants can have a stroke.

Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre And Wear Red Day
The National Wear Red Day and the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre are inextricably associated with each other. Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre is working hard to spread awareness about cardiovascular disease, particularly among women. It is a fact that heart disease is something that can affect anyone at any age. But, when it comes to diagnosing cardiovascular disease, women are always under-studied, under-treated, and under-diagnosed. In Canada, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer for women.
It is actually giving tough competition to cancer. The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Center is entirely dedicated to bringing social change. They are filling the gaps and ensuring that women in Canada have access to proper information. Moreover, they also ensure that women get the same treatment that men are getting in the case of cardiovascular disease. If we deeply analyze the main objectives of the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre, we will get to know that they have three main objectives. We have added these objectives below:
- Raise awareness about cardiovascular disease particularly among women.
- Improve Care
- Condense the knowledge regarding cardiovascular diseases through various research works.
Know How You Can Keep Your Heart Healthy
Well, there are several methods through which you can keep your heart healthy. It does not matter whether you are a man or woman, these are efficient for everyone. So, don’t miss to go through the following points:
Reduce Salt Consumption
If you are following a diet where the salt level remains high, you will have to deal with high blood pressure. Consequently, the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease will be increased. If we talk about the required daily salt consumption, it is 3g for kids and 6g for the adult people. So, you will have to reduce salt consumption in order to keep your heart health in good shape.
Avoid Saturated Fat
Consuming saturated fat can increase the cholesterol level in your body. Margarine, ghee, butter, dairy products, fatty meats consist of saturated fat. Moreover, there are many processed foods such as cakes, pastries, and pies that consist of saturated fat. If you want to keep your heart healthy, you should avoid these foods.

Not A Werbylo User?
Well, fundraisers can do several things to spread awareness about heart disease, particularly among women on Wear Red Day. First of all, they can use the top fundraising websites in order to conduct an online campaign. In addition to this, they can raise funds using online giving software for the organizations that are working hard for needy women.
Now, if you are in search of the best fundraising platform for starting your online fundraising campaign, you can choose Werbylo. It is a secure as well as reliable platform that can help you to take your fundraising operations to the next level. We at Werbylo add more value to each donation. So, be a user of Werbylo as early as possible.
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