Did you know that almost 37 million adults living in America have glaucoma, retinopathy, diabetes, cataract, and age-related macular degeneration? Well, all these things can cause blindness or visual impairment. But, there are certain things that can improve this. Yes, studies have shown that if you make healthy choices and if you go for regular eye exams, it will definitely mitigate the risk of vision loss. Now, this is where Vision Health Month comes into play. Every year, people across the nation observe this remarkable event in May in order to encourage people so that they can take care of their vision health.
Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.
Carl Jung
Taking care of your vision health or keeping your eye in good shape is as important as doing physical activities and eating healthy foods. Most people generally overlook this particular aspect and therefore, at some point in their life, they suffer from various visual problems. You do not need to do a lot of things to have a healthy vision. In this Vision Health Month, you can go for a comprehensive dilated eye exam. In this case, the eye-care professional will put some drops into your eyes; it will basically widen the pupils. Thus, they can check whether you have any eye disease or common vision problem. Depending upon this, you will get treatment.

Significance Of Vision Health Month
Research has shown that there are millions of people living in America suffering from poor vision health and undetected eye problems. This is a serious matter of concern and this is why everyone across the nation should step forward in this Vision Health Month in order to encourage people so that they can go for scheduled eye check-ups. A simple comprehensive dilated eye exam can give you the ultimate solution.
Vision Health Month is important because it gives us a golden opportunity to learn important aspects about our vision health and therefore, people can understand the importance of scheduled eye exams that mitigates the risk of eye diseases and vision problems. Most of these do not have any warning signs. Timely treatment and early detection can prevent blindness and vision loss. So, observing Vision Health Month is very important.

There are certain facts that are associated with this health event. These are as follows:
- It is a fact that older people have a higher risk of vision problems. But, it does not mean that pre-schoolers are completely safe. They also suffer from vision problems.
- 1 out of every seven pre-schooler has the opportunity to go for an eye exam.
- Children aged between 3 years and 5 years should go for vision screening and it is recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
Well, if you have the following eye conditions, you might suffer from blindness and visions loss:
- Diabetic retinopathy. In this situation, the blood vessels in your eye get damaged.
- Cataracts. It means a kind of clouding that can cause partial vision loss.
- Glaucoma. It indicates critical damage to the optic nerve. As a result, you will feel increased eye pressure.
Protect Your Vision In This Vision Health Month
As of now, we have explained the problems. But, Vision Health Month is not all about discussing problems. People encourage others and let them know the solutions through which they can protect your vision. Keeping this point in mind, we have also added some useful tips for you.
- Do not forget to have scheduled comprehensive dilated eye exams.
- Know the eye health history of your family because some eye problems ate hereditary in nature.
- Eat healthy foods to protect your vision.
- Quit smoking and try to keep your body weight in good shape.
- Do not forget to wash your hands before touching your eyes.
- Clean your contact lenses regularly in order to avoid any kind of eye infection.
CNIB Foundation And Vision Health Month
CNIB Foundation is a kind of non-profit organization that was set up in 1918. People living with blindness in Canada have to face several challenges on a daily basis. They become demotivated and hopeless. Well, CNIB Foundation organizes innovative programs for them so that they can fulfill their dream. This organization delivers powerful advocacy in order to empower blind people. Partners, donors, volunteers from coast to coast are working for this organization. This organization is working to create a bright future for Canadians who are partially sighted or blind.
What You Can Do
You can actually do a lot of things in this Vision Health Month. We have added a few ways through which you can show your support.
- Host virtual events and let people know about this month. You can also share tips to keep the vision in good shape.
- Share the Vision Health Month objectives on social networking platforms.
- Start a fundraising campaign and help people suffering from vision problems.

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