
World Braille Day is celebrated on Louis Braille’s birthday, i.e., January 4th every year. Louis Braille invented Braille. Louise became blind due to a childhood accident. He rapidly adjusted to his new lifestyle. Louis developed a reading and writing technique based on Charles Barbier’s night writing system while he was just 15 years old. Today, we refer to this system as Braille. Braille has improved over time and is currently used all around the world.

Interesting facts:

A boy has his eyes closed and trying to figure out the braile letters

  • Practically every country in the world uses Braille, and there is a braille code for almost every language.
  • When he was three years old, Louis Braille punctured his eye with a leatherworking awl resulting in a severe infection and the loss of both eyesight. An awl looks like a stylus, which is still used to emboss Braille by hand today.
  • There are a variety of techniques to type Braille. Either a Braille Typewriter can be used or carved with a slate and stylus, commonly referred to as braille handwriting.
  • In recent years toys such as the Rubik’s Cube, the famous card game UNO, and LEGO-style bricks have become accessible in Braille.
  • A braille typewriter is not the same as a regular typewriter. Braillers has six keys, one for each of the six dots in a braille cell. Also, it has a space key, enter button, and backspace.

Significance of World Braille Day:

World Braille Day honors the value of Braille as a communication tool for the blind and visually challenged. The day’s purpose is to raise awareness of the braille language, which tries to bridge the gap between ordinary people and those with special needs. Braille established a technique of writing that, ironically, employed an awl-like stylus to punch marks in the paper that blind people could feel and interpret. Like education, Braille should be a legal right. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of Braille. We frequently take our vision for granted and are unaware of the specific obstacles that persons with limited or no vision encounter daily. Visually impaired people need not just our admiration but also our respect. Let’s take this day as an opportunity and remember to pay tribute to Louis Braille. Over the years, the vital tool he invented has aided countless people.

Braille Literacy:

Trying to read the words written in braille alphabets For blind people, braille literacy is also a key to equal opportunities. Unfortunately, Louis Braille was never able to see how valuable his innovation was. He died in 1852, two years before the Royal Institute for the Blind Youth in France adopted a braille curriculum. Blind pupils began learning Braille in schools across the United States in 1916. Watches, Rubix cubes, and other innovations are transforming the way we use Braille today and helping to boost braille literacy. That’s why you’ll see Braille on signs, ATMs, elevators, calculators, and other everyday items. This is due to Louis Braille and the schools that adopted and taught his reading and writing system.

How to celebrate Braille Day?

Educate people

Let the word go out! Most people do not realize the significance of Braille. To increase awareness, use your social media outlets.

Make a Braille-based donation.

Consider giving a Braille gift to a partially sighted or blind person. This present could include a book, toys, or learning aids.

Learn Braille

Learn to read Braille if you haven’t already. It may be advantageous since you can utilize your knowledge to instruct and assist someone in desperate need.

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