Crowdfunding sites for nonprofits are helping the single parents. Single parents are trying their best to cope up with the difficult situation. It is quite clear that surviving in this critical situation has not been easy for people across the globe. People belonging to different classes are facing different types of problems. However, handling the job on one side and taking care of the children on the other are not a piece of cake. But, after the emergence of this deadly virus, the situation for single parents becomes worse. Preschools and day-cares are closed; you will not get a babysitter for your kids. Moreover, many parents have lost their jobs during this pandemic era.
No one has ever become poor from giving.
Anne Frank
Single parents need crowdfunding sites for nonprofits. Single parents who have lost their jobs are relying on their savings but, surviving like this can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many single resources available for single parents. If you don’t know what those resources are, you are in the proper place. We at Werbylo can understand the current situation of single parents very well. This is why we have mentioned all the crucial resources that are available for single parents in this pandemic era. So, you must go through these.

How Single Parents Can Get Help During The Pandemic Through Crowdfunding Sites For Nonprofits
Crowdfunding sites for nonprofits will be useful for single parents. During this pandemic situation, people are showing generosity, empathy, and compassion towards other people. The non-profit organizations are stepping forward to help single parents. They are organizing an online fundraising campaign through charity fundraising sites. People who have stable economic conditions are also coming forward. They are donating to the charity to make such a campaign successful. Fortunately, there are many ways through which single parents can get help during the pandemic.

Government Benefits For The Single Parents
- The US government has passed the CARES Act in response to this pandemic situation. According to this Act, single parents whose yearly income is less than $75,000 will get a check of $1200. In addition to this, they will get $500 for every child in their home. In order to get this check, the single parents will have to submit the income taxes report for the past two years. The best part of this Act is that you will get COVID-19 testing completely free. However, if you are affected and want treatment, you will need to take help from private insurance companies.
- Another important Act is Families First Coronavirus Response Act. If you are working in a company that has close to 500 employees, you will get paid sick leave for taking care of your kids. You will also be eligible for food assistance programs, partial unemployment benefits, and tax credits. Crowdfunding sites for nonprofits are helping.
- If you are a single parent and you do not have enough money for buying groceries, you will be qualified for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. However, the eligibility depends upon the number of family members.
- Single parents who are facing problems to pay their daily expenses can be qualified for the Temporary Aid for Needy Families. It is also known as TANF. Well, there are some specific guidelines and you will have to visit the TANF website to know more about those guidelines.
Single Parents Should Use Crowdfunding Sites For Nonprofits
Single parents should use crowdfunding sites for nonprofits. Although government benefits are available, it will take months or weeks to get the money in your bank account. Therefore, you must choose an alternative way to deal with the critical situation. When the matter is related to the health of your kids, you cannot compromise. Fortunately, there are some alternative ways through which you can get funds. Crowdfunding through the best online fundraising platforms is undoubtedly one of them. It is one of the best ways through which you can reach out to your family members, friends, and even other people. You can ask for financial support.
Well, it might look difficult in the beginning. But, there are many nonprofit fundraising websites available. Single parents can start their first crowdfunding campaign using these platforms. Getting donations will not be easy. But, if you tell your story honestly, you will definitely get success. After getting a donation, you should not forget to show them gratitude. For this, you can send them thank you cards via email.

Crowdfunding Sites For Nonprofits- Options For Your Kids
Crowdfunding sites for nonprofits are assisting single parents. Living life in quarantine can be difficult for your kids. Schools are closed and there is nobody with whom your kid will play in the ground. Everyone is following safety measures. However, there are many online options available for your kids. Single parents will find many online platforms offering free online courses. You will have to make sure that your kids get access to those courses. Entertainment is also required. There are many online gaming platforms that are offering free online games for children.
Not A Werbylo User?
Asking for donations during this difficult era will be a piece of cake if you start using online fundraising sites. Werbylo is undoubtedly one of the best online giving platforms. Werbylo believes, “We rise by lifting others”. You will be able to connect with more people through this platform. So, start using this platform as early as possible.